Planning Your Visit

Coming to Church? Please click here for more details about what to expect when you arrive.
Please click here for a copy of our Covid 19 Parish Risk Assessment
Please check carefully the section on our Opening Hours which includes the times when you will find the church Coffee Shop open. The monthly calendar of services and other events is given in the What’s On - Upcoming Activities section of this website.
With its tall spire, the church is an easy landmark to find. From the railway station it is about a 1km walk through the town centre; the bus station is somewhat nearer. There is restricted car parking on the surrounding roads - please check the limits for parking before leaving your vehicle! The nearest public pay and display car park is on Watergate - post code NG31 6NS.
The usual entrance is through the west door, under the tower. Just inside the church is a rack with guide books and information leaflets for sale. Toilets and the Parish Office are inside the church too. The North Porch houses the Visitor Centre with further information and a touch screen guide. In summer months volunteer stewards are on duty to welcome you and will be pleased to try to answer your questions.