Church Services

Dear Friends,

The church is open for private prayer on Monday to Saturday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and Sundays from 10:30am to 4:00pm.

On Sundays our services are at 8:00am for a Said Eucharist. 9:30am for the Parish Eucharist (which is available on Facebook) and 6:30pm for Choral Evensong/Evening Prayer. 

How do I join in the services online? If you are already on Facebook, all you need to do is ‘like’ the St Wulfram’s Facebook site; and, when the service starts, you will be able to join our dispersed community via the live stream.

The Community news is emailed out on Fridays with details of the Sunday services and news and events through the coming week. Please click here to be added to the mailing list.

What if I'm not on Facebook? And why just Facebook?  We understand that some people don't like the idea of Facebook; however, with the numbers of people who already follow St Wulfram’s, it seems the most logical means of communication. You can register to use Facebook and simply just ‘like’ St Wulfram’s for the period of time moving forward. Doing this will also give you access to the other suggestions we plan to start introducing into these uncharted waters.


With every blessing.


Fr Stuart

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08.00am Eucharist without music, using Common Worship or the Book of Common Prayer alternately week by week.

09.30am Parish Eucharist uses Common Worship with our outstanding choir of children and adults leading the sung worship.

Sunday Club meets every week during term. Children arrive with their parents and leave during the service to their activities and then rejoin the congregation at the Lord’s Prayer.

Family Eucharist - on the first Sunday of each month our Parish Eucharist is replaced with a more informal Family Eucharist or Parade Service (with the Scout and Guide groups), which is ideal for families with younger children.

11.00am Choral Eucharist on the first Sunday of the month is sung by our choirs. This service uses the full liturgical heritage of the Church of England. Incense is used; and our choirs sing the ‘Mass setting’.

6.30pm Choral Evensong sung every Sunday apart from the first Sunday of the month by one of our five wonderful choirs. (Evening Prayer takes place on the first Sunday of the Month.)

Mid Week Services

Tuesday12.00noonEucharist without music.
Wednesday8:30pmCompline (Sung Compline on third Wednesday of the month)
Friday12.00noon Exposition and Benediction (in the Crypt)
 5.15pmChoral Evensong (in the Lady Chapel during school term time)